Project Go-Live Announcement [Email template]


If you have made it this far and are right before go-live, you have done an amazing job.


Having managed numerous IT implementations myself, I know how challenging these projects can be (read my story here).

Now it is time to share this great news with everybody, and thank your team members for their contribution.

A project go-live announcement email is the perfect vehicle for that.

Here you can find an example for one of my go-live emails. I always put a lot of effort into such emails, because I am truly thankful for the work of my team members. We as project leaders would not be successful without the team, right?

Who should you send the email to?

The team members and stakeholders should be addressed directly in your communication. This includes staff and management or executive level stakeholders and of course your project sponsor.

I usually also copy those executives and top managers who have been peripherally involved and/or who have been pushing the project from a management level. You might also copy the CEO, as long as he or she is aware of the project (this is a great way to position yourself as a top leader).

Here is the email template:

Project GoLive Annoucement Email

Subject: Go-Live of SUPERMEGA Project

Dear all,

Today we officially went live with our new IT system. From now on, all our teams across the globe will be able to work from a centralized state-of-the-art IT system, providing improved usability for end-users, more reliability for our operations and better protection of the company’s assets.

While we managed to complete the rollout successfully, it was far from an easy project. We faced a great deal of challenges along the way – integrating different needs of our business stakeholders, agreeing on common processes, cleaning up incredible amounts of historical data, technical issues — and of course making time for this intense and important project when we are all busy with so many other things.

But we as a team, we finally made it happen, and we can be very proud of what we have achieved together.

I want to thank every one of you for your excellent contribution, and I’m looking forward to working with you in future projects!



IT Project Manager


Take it as an example and replace the content with whatever fits your project.

If you liked the go-live email, let me know! You can find me on LinkedIn


  • Adrian Neumeyer

    Hi! I’m Adrian, founder of Tactical Project Manager and a Project Manager with over ten years of experience. Managed large-scale IT implementations and business projects. I started Tactical Project Manager to offer you a straightforward and pragmatic approach to project management, enabling you to lead any project with confidence.

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