Essential Project Documentation: A Guide by an Experienced Project Manager

“I was handed this project. I’m unsure which documents are needed.  “Where do I even start?!?” Here’s the problem: There’s … Click to read article …

Bad Project Scope & Unrealistic goals: What should you do?

“What to do if you have a project where the scope doesn’t fit the client’s wishes or just not clearly … Click to read article …

In Scope vs. Out Of Scope Explained (And Why It Matters)

In scope vs. out of scope- this article explains the difference as it relates to project management

In this post, I’ll explain the meaning of in scope vs. out of scope, a term you often hear about … Click to read article …

11 Questions To Ask When Taking Over A Project From Someone Else

Conversation with questions for taking over a project from someone else

Not an easy situation you are in! Taking over a running project from someone else is like …. ummm … … Click to read article …

How to Write A Good Project Kickoff Invitation Email

How to write a good kickoff invitation email (with example)

I always put a lot of effort into emails I send to my project team. Because besides our interactions, it’s … Click to read article …

Agile vs. Waterfall: How To Choose The Right Approach For Your Project

Before delving into a project, many decisions need to be made: From scope to resources to timeline. There is also … Click to read article …