Are you a project leader or (just) a project administrator?

Can I ask you: What does your team think of you as a project manager? Would you get only positive … Click to read article …

How to Think Like a Project Manager

How to think like a project manager

One of they key factors that distinguish good project managers from other people is their way of thinking. The way they … Click to read article …

How Soft Skills Can Get You Your Dream Job

We’ve all heard about the importance of soft skills. But what exactly are soft skills? That’s what I’m uncovering in … Click to read article …

The MBA student who proved his project management skills in an amazing side project

Interview Priyesh teaser

There’s something I noticed about the best project managers. They are driven to help others and to make the world … Click to read article …

What I learned as a project manager at BOSCH – the German industrial giant

project manager bosch experiences

I thought it might be interesting for you to hear stories from real project managers. As a starting point I’m … Click to read article …

I took over a new project. These were my initial questions

Project questions teaser

I recently decided to do some freelancing. To be precise, I wanted to work as an independent IT project manager. … Click to read article …